Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sorry Lucie

I'm going to re-post what I already wrote on my xanga tonight because I like it and I think if I were to write a post on here, it would just wind up a rewrite of that same post anyway. Sorry Lucie if you already read my xanga (or anyone really), I'll post a BRAND NEW post on blogger tomorrow. Here's what I wrote for my xanga....

"Change of Heart"
Despite the trouble this snow will cause, the delays in will enforce, the work involved in clearing it, I don't resent it. I would have in past years. I would have seen this snow fall and groaned, complaining about how hard it was going to be to shovel, hoping to earn enough pity to weasel out a few dollars for the job of removing it. But not this year. Looking around tonight while pushing the three new inches that have fallen in mere hours, it was beautiful. The way the light from different houses shone off the snow as it fell. The way it just subdued everything. I have thought of Winter as a deathlike season before, and I've known others who agreed. The leaves fall, colors are removed and replaced with some shade of gray, grass is covered over, we ourselves hide from the season's elements under layers of clothing. It can be a brutal season. Yet, as I stood there leaning on our push-broom, none of those thoughts entered my head. The snow didn't appear to be crushing, but instead almost protecting, like a blanket. The cold air wasn't alienating, but instead refreshing. It showed me that while Winter CAN be seen as a long, frustrating season, it can also be seen as a uniquely beautiful one. So let's see this 8-16 inches of snow, I'm not worried. Heck, I'm downright looking forward to it.


Annie said...

I like the new look to the blog. I love snow !!!!


Lucia said...

Ah, yes the days where we would do anything to earn money for those six or seven Pokémon card packs. What a waste of money.
PS Where did you get the template, and how did you get it to say 'ideas' instead of 'comments'?