Friday, February 23, 2007

Now that I've finished shoveling

I thought I'd post on what's going on today with me. As my title mentioned, I had to shovel today. I was kinda hoping, though not expecting, it would stay warm, but I guess not. I was kind of surprised this morning when I saw how much snow there was. A couple days ago they were saying just a few inches. I heard that we might gt quite a bit last night, but this still seemed like a lot.
On a different topic, tonight I get to go to a staff training lock-in. At CrossRoads we have staff members, people who have been around for a while and can handle responsibility. Twice a year, once in the Fall and once in mid to late Winter we have "lock-ins" to train new staff members. Basically, we stay up late talking about what it means to be staff and letting the new staffees practice being small group leaders. My first lock-in was the second one of the 05-06 year, when I was a sophomore. That makes this my third lock-in, the second I've gone on this year. They're usually a ton of fun, so I'm hoping this one will be too.
Well, that's all for now. Have a good day everyone.


Monkeybaby14 said...

hi ian,

this is sarah... lucie, annie, and I want to say that we had a "lock-in" too. It's called a "SLEEP OVER", or known as (slap over in a language i forgot what in)?


Lucia said...

I loved that sleep over! To bad you ended up having that air mattress deflate on you. I had that happen to me when I was sleeping up in Annie's room with the dogs, but at least I could just go downstairs to my own bed. Did you sleep in the church itself, or downstairs?
Lucie- :p

Annie said...

I loved the sleep over a lot too.

Annie !