Monday, February 12, 2007


CrossRoads went well. Nora planned the meeting sometime yesterday before CR, so we were just about all set when everyone got there. The actual meeting went pretty smoothly, with a few noticeable bumps along the way. Those bumps are to be expected every week though, so it wasn't anything we couldn't handle. The night's topic was" love" in honor of Valentine's day this week. The night moved along at a nice pace, announcements not taking too long, moving right into the game which went well. I'd explain what we played, but it would take longer than I care to spend on it. Small group discussion was pretty good, though we had some trouble keeping our focus. Prayer went well and clean up was good. I think the highlight of the night for me though was having one of the adults say that she thought I was a good leader. I've been working at being more helpful at CR and it's nice to know I'm getting somewhere.



Lucia said...

Hi Ian,
Wow. Sounds like an eventful and pretty darn good night.

Annie said...

Thats good that you had a good time. I always hope that you and Alfie have fun, because I don't like it when you guys don't have fun there. Why didn't you have Tim or mom get you last night?

Annie :)

Lucia said...

Please update soon. Having a computer in my room makes it so I check these blogs daily and it gets old not having anything to check.
PS I noticed you didn't post about the amazing catch you made with the whole Key thing on Sunday night.