Wednesday, January 21, 2009

E. Gads.

It's been a while huh? I haven't written on this in probably over a year (I'm too lazy to check the date on the last post, so  correct me if I'm wrong. Unless you're too lazy to check too. either way, let's move on). I have a Xanga account which I use fairly often, but I thought I might give this one a shot since hardly anyone checks my xanga either. I just kind of feel like writing something and this is here truth be told, so I'm not sure if this will be something that happens a whole lot.

So I didn't get into Nazareth College. I applied there earlier this year, but they decided I either wasn't good enough to attend or just wasn't worth the work of putting into the system without any test scores. Honestly, I'm kinda really disappointed. I knew that this was a possibility, maybe even a likely one, but I didn't think they'd actually say no. I've still got a back up plan (getting to that in a sec), but I was really pumped to get started on college, even if I was a year late. I wanted to play Ultimate Frisbee and other sports.  I wanted to be able to use the practice rooms and hang out with other people around my age with similar interests. I thought it was really gonna rock. I suppose it still could, I was just hoping it would work out the way I planned. 

The back-up plan is this: I'll go to MCC for two semesters and rack up 30 credit hours, then request to transfer over to Naz. It's really not that bad and two semesters isn't that much. In theory it's really good because that's a year where I won't be paying nearly as much, if anything, as opposed to Naz's quite possibly huge fee. I think it'll work out alright, I was just hoping to be able to sink my teeth right into one school and not have to play this multi-college game. One other thing I plan on doing is Summer Courses at MCC. If I can take a full course-load I'll only be one semester behind come Fall and I'll only have to wait till a year from now to be at Naz. Assuming something else doesn't come up, of course. 

Oh well, maybe it'll be for the better. We'll see.

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