Friday, July 28, 2006

Waiting to go.

I leave for summer retreat latter today. I hope you all have a great weekend and I'll see you some time after I get back.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The news of the week thus far

Let's see, yesterday I helped a parishioner from St. Paul's move her stuff from her house into a moving van. My friends Gregory and Monica helped, along with Alfie, so it wasn't too hard. We all got payed which was very nice. Then last night I went to plan Summer Retreat at "earthtones" in Webster with Alfie and Tim. We got a good group of people and retreat sounds like a lot of fun. Then today, I woke up too late to go to House of Mercy so I've just been hanging out. We've got softball again tonight, hopefully we'll find a ride since Lucie as dance. Tim might take us so that he can plan a little bit more with Nora (our youth minister) or we might just get a ride with Nora if Tim doesn't want to go. So today should be good. Tomorrow I might go to church with Clare (she didn't get to go this past weekend), then Thursday I'll probably go to HoM. Friday I might go with Nora to HoM because we would be taking the kids to Roseland (water park), which is really close to where retreat is. If I did this I would have to pack Thursday night, then I'd be gone all day Friday, all day Saturday, and then almost all of Sunday. Guess it's gonna be a busy week.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


To answer your question Sarah: we (Alfie, Tim and I) are going on Summer Retreat. Basically, our youth group goes to camp Koinonia for Friday night, all Staurday, and most of Sunday, where we hang out and talk about God/religion/the world/ourselves/a lot of things. It's incredibly fun and I look forward to it now the two times of year retreat comes along (winter and summer). We leave this Friday at six and get back Sunday around 3ish (depending on who drives). I'm super excited. Hope that answers your question.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Just a little longer

The last grad party of the summer for me is tomorrow. It will be nice being able to relax and not have to think about any more parties I have to go to. I mean, I have fun at them, they can just be a pain to try to schedule in with everything that everyone else is doing. Other than that, nothing much is up. Retreat is the weekend after this (it starts a week from today), so I"m really excited about that. Till later.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Happy Birthday Mom!!!!!

Monday, July 17, 2006


Got my haircut this morning, so now it's really short, which is kinda exciting. Decided not to head down to HoM (House of Mercy) today, and to relax instead. Also, the pool is 86 and it's not even 10 yet.


Saturday, July 15, 2006

I love summer.

Today has been good. I slept in way too late, mostly because I was soo tired from volunteering at the House of Mercy and because I went too bed late. But the rest of the day has just been playing and swimming, which has been great. Yay summer!

Thursday, July 13, 2006


It's sooooo nice today. That makes me soooooo happy. :)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


So the bikeride I went on yesterday? Crazy. It was a lot farther away than I thought it would be, and a lot of bad/annoying things hapened. It started raining/thundering while I was 7 miles from home, a traffic light went out, so I had to pretend to be a car in order to get through the intersection safely, and the soda I brought broke open while in the pouch behind my seat. Some how though, I'm still glad I went. It was good excersize and a little fun in it's own way. Our youth group softball games start tonight, which has me very excited, and Katie came over today, which has been fun. That's all for now.

Seeya later bye.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Seize the day

I haven't done really anything today. Just hung out and watched tv.


...ahem...anyway, I think I'll go for a bike ride.

Later yo.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Not as late tonight.

Well, we made it through today. We got to Isabella's baptism late, so we wound up standing through-out the service. They had it in a different room than where mass is usually held at that church, I'm not sure why. This made it so that there was a lot less space, which is why we had to stand up. After that we went home for a while before going to the Corn Hill Arts festival. We met up with Tim after a long time of trying to find a parking space, and just hung around for a while. It was a lot like the other festivals during the year (canal days, the Lilac festival), so nothing too exciting. After that we got to go home and relax for the rest of the day. So, all in all, it wasn't as hectic as I thought is would be, but I'm still glad that today is over.

Good night everyone.

The question must be asked.

Why am I still awake? Isabella (our friend Liz's new daughter) is getting baptized tomorrow, errr, later today. The service is at 9:30, but they live out in Victor, so we should probably leave around 8:50 or so. That means that I should get up at 8 which means that I should go to bed now. Also, our cousin Ryan is having his Graduation party tomorrow AND it's the second day of corn hill. Hopefully the day won't be too hectic, after all, it is the weekend. And now it's 1:03 AM, so I think I'll go to bed. Good night everyone.

Or, good morning I guess. =D

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Sleeping adventures.

I didn't wake up till 10:50 this morning.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

4th of July

We (Annie, Lucie, Aidan, Dad, and I) went to the Fairport parade today. It wasn't raining too hard when we left the house, but by the time we were sitting down to watch the parade the rain was coming down hard. Most of us got pretty wet, but we still had fun. I heard it wasn't as good as the Penfield parade, but at least we got to go to a parade on the 4th of July.

Happy 4th everyone.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


It's been a while since an update, so I thought I should post. Nothing much today, still a little tired from yesterday. All the swimming and the soccer and the running and the firewroks, it was all great. I hope everyone else had a great day too. Not sure what we're going to do today, guess we'll just have to play it by ear. Hope everyone has a great day.