Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My not-so-triumphant return

After many a long week without posts, here I am once more. I have been urged by many to post again on here (well, maybe not that many), so here it is. 

Uhhhhhhh. Well, let's go over recent happenings.

Youth Group started last week. I didn't go so I could hang with Aidan and Annie at home, but I'm going this week. I'm really excited to get back to it, especially since it's my senior year. I've always wanted to be a senior staff member so as to be trusted with a lot of responsibilities, so I'm happy my year has finally come. 
Moving forward, tonight my Godparents came over for dinner. They live in Iowa, but are up here visiting for a few days. It was really great to see them since I haven't in a while and I respect them a great deal. It's always great having people around with so much wisdom from experience, I'm glad we keep in contact with them. 

Moving forward still, the rest of this week looks quite good. I don't go back to work at Wegmans till Friday and I've got the next two days open to finally set myself into school mode. I've been feeling pretty off for the last week and a half, whether do to illness or work or whatever, so I really haven't been thinking about school too much. That should change though over the next few days, as I'll be free to really get to work. That said, I'd like to be able to get up earlier tomorrow without being tired, so goodnight.


Lucia said...

I thought you were already trusted with a lot of responsibilities?

Monkeybaby14 said...

you finally updated ian! lol.


PTChick said...

You updated, now I know that you are still alive.

PTChick said...

you need to update