Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hello everyone

I'm sorry it's been so long since my last post. We've been a little busy this week, though that provides all the more to update with.
Monday- I hung out with a friend for the evening. We talked about what was going on with us, how things were going, overall well being and whatnot. It was quite nice, I wish more people wanted to do that. Most of the time I hang out with friends it's always "what do you want to do now", but we never just talk. This time we did though and I really enjoyed it.
Tuesday- was my Dad's birthday. Unfortunately, the two kids we babysit on Tuesdays wound up staying for most of the day (which they usually don't on Tuesdays), but even that wasn't too bad. Once Dad got home the festivities began and everyone seemed to have fun. We went out for dinner after Dad opened his presents and had a really good evening.
Wednesday- was interesting. We went to a potluck supper at our church which was preceded by a mass we also attended. The soup eating part was fun, but the service beforehand was almost unbearable. I found the service in general fine, even enjoyable to some extent, like a normal mass. But, there was a guest speaker who gave the homily/sermon. And she talked FOREVER. Or for over half an hour at least. I was low enough on energy so that it seemed to never end, I almost went crazy. Once she was done though, the rest of the night went well.
Today (Thursday)- was another babysitting day, along with Dad's day off. It's been a good day for the most part. I woke up a lot later than I wanted to, but still managed to get some stuff done. Dad and I cleaned up the yard a bit after playing some frisbee and I got to just kind of hang out all day, which was fun.
Tomorrow- I want to all the stuff I didn't do today. I want to do some music theory, along with some math and GED studying. I also want to play some actual music, along with doing some writing. Should be a pretty good day, especially if I don't stay up too late. That said, goodnight.


Annie said...

What about Saturday? What are you doing on Saturday? It is St. Patrick's day on Saturday, so don't forget to wear something green. I am going to wear something green.

Annie !!!!!

PTChick said...

I hate it when the person doing the sermon last forever, and at our church they can usually last up to 45minutes! Sometimes it is okay when the person is talking about something interesting, but other times it is a drag. My favorite it when the person uses humor. Then at least I can laugh.

Lucia said...

It was long. I counted, and it was about 40-45 mins. I wanted to cry. There was nothing interesting really to look at and I was tired and hungry. Boy.