Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Howdy Howdy Howdy

Hey everyone, how's it going? I'm doing good. Things have been going well recently, which has been nice. A few of us have been sick with various colds, but people are starting to get better now. The addition to the living room is coming along great, I'm actually typing this out here on the emac now. It's really nice having this extra space and I think it's much, much more efficient than the way we were using it to store things before. I'm really excited to see it all come together with the removal of the radiator, sometime soon I hope.
This week looks to be pretty normal. We'll have Kieran and Izzy tomorrow (Tuesday) and Thursday, then on Friday we have another Teen Cantor choir practice. Which reminds me, this Sunday I'm going to cantor the Gospel Acclamation. It's the first time I've cantored by myself at our church St. Paul's, I'm really excited to try it. Next week will be really busy I'm sure, what with all the extra masses for Holy Week. I'm still excited though, I can't wait for Easter! Well, I hope you're all having a good day, enjoying the warm weather and whatnot.



Lucia said...

What were you doing downstairs at 12:13 AM!?
And remember, Ian, 'Confidence in the hinges of success.'-Fortune cookie

Annie said...

I am sure you will do fine singing. I wonder when you will wake up? It is 10:43 am !!!!

Annie :)

PTChick said...

I think that yo will be great, and if you find any tomatoes at your doorstep, you will know that I heard you. He, he! But seriously you will be great. I remember the first time I sang in fromt of everyone at church, and that was at Hochstein. That was nerve wraking. I was singing in front or nearly five hunred people or so. Maybe a bit less. But I will be thinking of you and your singing.