Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Back again

Sorry for the long wait between posts. I'll try to avoid it in the future, though that's what I said last time too. =P

As far as new things with me go, there are a few things that come to mind. I've decided I'm going to shoot for taking my GED in July. It's just about the earliest I can take and if I pass it, I'll have graduated a year early. I'm excited about this because I think I can do it, and it would be really nice to graduate so early. I'll have to do a lot of studying, but I think I'm up for it. I've been working hard recently to try to do more, things like getting up earlier and spending my time better in general, so some extra studying hopefully won't be too bad.
Things in general have been going good recently. Mom is making good progress on expanding the living room and things have just been enjoyable recently. I'd thought I'd end this post (my 50th actually) with a picture of the sunset. I took it on the 21st of February, rather quickly as I tried (and succeeded) to get the birds flying over the sun in the shot. Enjoy!


Annie said...

Thats a pretty picture. Can you send it to me in an e-mail sometime?

Annie :)

Lucia said...

Very pretty. I think you can do the whole GED thing. I mean, mom said by the time we were done with basic math, we would most likely be ready to take the math part of the GED test. (If there is one.)
Lucie Lu-

Monkeybaby14 said...

whats a GED any way? and u mean graduate early in high school?


PTChick said...

You should go into photography if you go to school. Your pictures are so beautiful.