Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hello everyone

My, isn't it hot outside. I've heard the number 90 thrown around a few times, though I'm not sure if it really is or not. I know a lot of you don't like this hot, sticky weather, but if it makes you feel better, I love it. I'd love it more if the pool was open (I think a lot of people would), but even without it, it's still nice. The next week is supposed to be in the lower 70s which should be nice.

So life's been good recently. We had our last CrossRoads meeting on Sunday, and it went great. Everyone had a good time it seemed (even the three totally new people) and things went pretty smoothly once the meeting got rolling. The set-up beforehand was stressful, but we managed to get almost everything ready that we needed to. I can't wait for our Summer stuff to start up, it should all be great.


Annie said...

I like this weather.


Monkeybaby14 said...

i love the weather too! the 70's-80's are nice! ;)


PTChick said...

You think that thursday was hot. Try riding in fridays weather on a horse inside who doesn't want to do what he is suppose to do. I was so disgusting after riding that I couldn't stand myself.