Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Howdy Howdy Howdy

Hey everyone, how's it going? I'm doing good. Things have been going well recently, which has been nice. A few of us have been sick with various colds, but people are starting to get better now. The addition to the living room is coming along great, I'm actually typing this out here on the emac now. It's really nice having this extra space and I think it's much, much more efficient than the way we were using it to store things before. I'm really excited to see it all come together with the removal of the radiator, sometime soon I hope.
This week looks to be pretty normal. We'll have Kieran and Izzy tomorrow (Tuesday) and Thursday, then on Friday we have another Teen Cantor choir practice. Which reminds me, this Sunday I'm going to cantor the Gospel Acclamation. It's the first time I've cantored by myself at our church St. Paul's, I'm really excited to try it. Next week will be really busy I'm sure, what with all the extra masses for Holy Week. I'm still excited though, I can't wait for Easter! Well, I hope you're all having a good day, enjoying the warm weather and whatnot.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy Spring

I'm glad it's going to start warming up again this week. It was so cold taday and I"m sick of this snow. I can't wait for it to be nice enough outside so that I can start doing things out there again.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hello everyone

I'm sorry it's been so long since my last post. We've been a little busy this week, though that provides all the more to update with.
Monday- I hung out with a friend for the evening. We talked about what was going on with us, how things were going, overall well being and whatnot. It was quite nice, I wish more people wanted to do that. Most of the time I hang out with friends it's always "what do you want to do now", but we never just talk. This time we did though and I really enjoyed it.
Tuesday- was my Dad's birthday. Unfortunately, the two kids we babysit on Tuesdays wound up staying for most of the day (which they usually don't on Tuesdays), but even that wasn't too bad. Once Dad got home the festivities began and everyone seemed to have fun. We went out for dinner after Dad opened his presents and had a really good evening.
Wednesday- was interesting. We went to a potluck supper at our church which was preceded by a mass we also attended. The soup eating part was fun, but the service beforehand was almost unbearable. I found the service in general fine, even enjoyable to some extent, like a normal mass. But, there was a guest speaker who gave the homily/sermon. And she talked FOREVER. Or for over half an hour at least. I was low enough on energy so that it seemed to never end, I almost went crazy. Once she was done though, the rest of the night went well.
Today (Thursday)- was another babysitting day, along with Dad's day off. It's been a good day for the most part. I woke up a lot later than I wanted to, but still managed to get some stuff done. Dad and I cleaned up the yard a bit after playing some frisbee and I got to just kind of hang out all day, which was fun.
Tomorrow- I want to all the stuff I didn't do today. I want to do some music theory, along with some math and GED studying. I also want to play some actual music, along with doing some writing. Should be a pretty good day, especially if I don't stay up too late. That said, goodnight.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


I know that we'll lose and hour of sleep, but I'm still pumped for daylight savings time. Just think, the sun won't set before 7 o'clock or so for months! Months! That's just so great. =D

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

More GED stuff

I got out a GED preparation test today from the library. It's a couple of inches thick and I wouldn't count on me making it all the way through, but we'll just have to see. To answer your questions Sarah (and for anyone else curious), the GED is a high school equivalency test. It stands for "General Education Development" test, though it's usually just referred to as the GED. Almost all employers and colleges consider it of equal value to a high school diploma. So if I pass it, I will be an "official" high school graduate, meaning I'd "skip" my Senior year of high school. If you have any other questions anyone, feel free to ask and I'll see if I can answer them.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Back again

Sorry for the long wait between posts. I'll try to avoid it in the future, though that's what I said last time too. =P

As far as new things with me go, there are a few things that come to mind. I've decided I'm going to shoot for taking my GED in July. It's just about the earliest I can take and if I pass it, I'll have graduated a year early. I'm excited about this because I think I can do it, and it would be really nice to graduate so early. I'll have to do a lot of studying, but I think I'm up for it. I've been working hard recently to try to do more, things like getting up earlier and spending my time better in general, so some extra studying hopefully won't be too bad.
Things in general have been going good recently. Mom is making good progress on expanding the living room and things have just been enjoyable recently. I'd thought I'd end this post (my 50th actually) with a picture of the sunset. I took it on the 21st of February, rather quickly as I tried (and succeeded) to get the birds flying over the sun in the shot. Enjoy!