Thursday, May 18, 2006

Keepin' the updates going.

Well, the back pain is gone, now my ankle hurts. It had been hurting for a while now, but it was quite a bit more painful today. I'm not really sure what I did to it, seeing as it just started hurting out of no-where. I think I may have strained something, but I'm really not sure. On to better news. Went to choir tonight. I sang okay, though I had a kind of hard time concentrating. The songs we practiced are okay, but I can think of other songs we've done that I like more. That's really it for today. Tomorrow I have a lock-in for youth group to raise money so some churches can build a habitat house. That should be fun, though it could be a complete disaster.

I'm hoping for fun. :-)

Hey, I did it.

Not too much to report today. Hurt my back again. I had been sitting in a recliner funny yesterday, which caused my back to hurt. It didn't hurt anymore today, till I went on the trampoline. That made it hurt a lot. It's better now, though still a bit touchy. Other than back pain, nothing to exciting. Dad had the day off so I played basketball with him and that was really it. Just kind of hung around the house.

Till tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Sorry I haven't updated for so long. I promise to start doing it every day. And I really mean that. Nothing too interesting has been happening recently, just normal every day life. We have relitives coming to our house later this week. They live in England and we've never met them before, but they made contact through email a while ago saying that they were coming. One of them, a man named Phillip Harden, is the family historian, or so I've heard. As such, I've been asked by Mom to sort out the slides that we got from our Aunt Annie. Most of them have people that I've never met, though I did see a few with my Dad when he was my age. That was interesting. So that's probably what I'll be doing for the rest of this week till they get here on Friday. Let's hope I can sort them all out. Have a good day everyone.