Friday, June 05, 2009

Hi there

I'm debating whether or not to get back into the blogging swing of things. I was never very active on blogger anyway, but I was a very frequent xanga-er ( for a long time. I guess I just got a little pickier with what I wanted the world to know about my life. Or maybe I just stopped feeling the need to say it. I dunno.  In theory, I would like to get back in the swing of things. To use this blog as a little journal of sorts; kinda a way to store my state of mind for review at a later time. We'll see. 

So I went to see Up today. Great movie, Pixar is a truly incredible company. How they manage to hit the nail on the head so frequently is something I'll never know. You should go see it. I saw the 3-D version and it was really cool, but either way is fine. It is a little duller in 3-D from the glasses, but it's very atmospheric. Either way, just see it, if for no other reason than you'll feel happier afterwards, simply because of it's charm. You might even say it's Uplifting. Of course I never would, because that's an awful pun.