Thursday, January 31, 2008

Back in action

Never thought you'd see me back here again, did you? Well, I can't exactly blame you, it has been a while. But I'm back! Now, what to write...

You know what's tricky about writing on this blog? Half the people (ish) who read it are family members who already know all about what I'd post anyway! Not much point to that, it would seem. There are still some other people who aren't family who read it (I think), so I guess I'm writing for them. Don't you feel special now? 

That's what I thought. 

So we're probably gonna cancel our "Y" membership. Actually, we would definitely be canceling it, except that have a requirement that you tell them you're thinking of canceling 30 days before you do. So, we would have had to cancel our membership the day we got it if we didn't want to have it in February too. Funny how that works. 

I'm actually gonna leave it at that for now so that I've got something to post next time. It's good to be back.