Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Weather update

This weekend is going to be the best ever. It's supposed to be sunny and in the 60s and maybe even 70s. I can't wait. Weathermen, I hope you're right.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

A poem in three parts.

Rain Rain go away
come again not in late May
Again will your depressing finger lay
hopefully on not one more day

I'm sick of you, that's easy to see
For you get water all over me
Flowers need you to grow, I'm aware
but life without them, I think I could bear.

So, Rain, it's time you got outta here
so my penciled in plans, you'll no longer smear.
I will not miss you, of that I am sure,
at least while I sit here, inside, bored.

Thank you.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

A check-in

Starting on Sunday- Teen Cantor Choir went well. My solo during the gospel acclamation wasn't too bad at all, though I was a little nervous. I hope I'll get to do something like it again soon. After that was just Sunday until CrossRoads, at which we played an interesting game of frisbee dodgeball. Thankfully no one got hurt, but there were a lot of real close shaves. I got to lead the game with my brother later in the meeting, which was interesting to say the least. The game we played (which is called 'Streets and Alleys') is real hard to organize, even with Nora (our youth minister) leading, so me and Alfie had our hands full. It turned out pretty well I think, everyone at least seemed to be having fun. The rest of CR was pretty normal; we started running behind schedule, had a few problems and had to cut out some stuff, but that always happens. ^_^

Monday- wasn't anything extraordinary per say, Dad and Tim had the day off which was fun. I went with the Haehls to help them out with the Jr. High youth Group C.Y.R.C.L.E. (Calling Young Roman Catholics to Live Eucharist), which, much like CR, was interesting. not interesting enough to write about though.

Tuesday- We had a ton of people over. We had Kieran and Issabella like normal on Tuesdays, but then Nora came over, then our friends the Foleys, then another friend, then Nora's daughter Monica.

GAHHHHH. It was pretty crazy, but everything turned out fine. Then last night (still Tuesday) I got to go to the Chrism mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral. At the mass the Bishop blesses all the oils (for the sick, for confirmation, and for anointing) that all the churches in the diocese will use this year. I've never been to the Cathedral before, so the whole thing was really cool. Afterwards we went to the reception where we said hi to a LOT of people (including the Bishop himself) and got a chance to look around the church. Nora (whom we went with because Mom and Dad had taken Lucie to dance) told us about the history of the cathedral and the renovations that had been made to it a few years ago. All in all, the whole evening was very enjoyable. Which brings us to...

the future- nothing too special today, but tomorrow is holy (or Maundy) Thursday, which means another mass. Then there is Good Friday which means another mass. Then there is Holy Saturday which means decorating the church for Easter and, you guessed it, another mass. Then there is Easter itself which will of course include another mass. That means, starting on Monday and going till this coming Sunday, I will attend Five masses, spending about 7 hours in church services. And I couldn't be more excited about it, no sarcasm there.

Easter, here I come!