Monday, June 26, 2006

More parties

Went to Alex's Grad party earlier today (as I think all of you know), which was very fun. For now grad parties are over till the middle of July for me, at which point I have two more. Well it's late, so I'm going to bed.

Goodnight everyone.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Went to my friend Cecilia's grad party today. It was more fun than I ever would have guessed, I can't wait to go to another party (for my friend Evan) tomorrow. I rode my bike there today, only on the way there (it was too dark to ride back), it was around 10.5 miles. I hope to bike to Evan's grad party tomorrow, also around the same distance away, though closer to 11 miles. That one doesn't end so late, so maybe I'll bike back too. Till tomorrow.


Friday, June 23, 2006

Another update

Went to CrossRoads Prom last night. It's a end of the year party that my youth group does. It was a lot of fun, but very tiring.
Today we have Keiran and Gabe because Liz is being induced to have her baby now that it's finally due. I'm going to a grad party for one of my friends later today, but other than that, nothing very interesting. Until later.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Finally, another update.

Nothing actually too new, or maybe there is just too much of it to write it all down. So I'll just go over some of the bigger things.

I started playing guitar recently. My sister Clare has one that she's leting me use. It's a lot of fun to just mess around with it while listening to songs on my computer. One day I'll actually learn chords and stuff, but I'm having more fun just "noodleing" with it right now.

My Dad got a cut on his head after tripping on chair while going to the grill. It's pretty bad, but he'll be okay. What seems to be really bugging him now is, he had to cut his hair really short so that it wouldn't bother the cut, so now it's all gray again. Gottta keep the priorities. =D

Today nothing too interesting, but that's fine with me since I'm have a lot to do for the rest of the week. People are having their grad partys this weekend, so there's a lot to go to. It should be fun though.

Bye for now.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Hey! An update!

Just wanted to say happy birthday to Lucie.